Juniper Troubleshooting Commands

Managing configuration

>configure exclusive – Ngăn người khác sửa đổi trong khi ở chế độ cấu hình

#status –  Hiển thị người dùng hiện đang đăng nhập

#compare (filename | rollback n)

#commit | display detail – debug commit

#commit check

#commit comment

#commit confirmed

#commit at  [tt:mm | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm | reboot], to cancel:

>clear system [commit | reboot ]

>show system commit

>show configuration

#load {set}  {merge | replace | override } {relative} [terminal | file] – paste – Ctrl+D to end

# show |   # compare (filename | rollback n)

# show |  display set

# show |  display changed

# show |  display detail

# show |  display omit statement

Configuration modification commands:

#annotate “xxxxx” – Chú thích cấu hình


#copy / delete / rename – works with wildcards, e.g. delete fe*

#rename – string in configuration

#replace pattern

#protect / unprotect a statement

#exit configuration-mode


>show system rollback 10

>show system rollback compare 10 12

>show system commit


>show version {detail}

>request system reboot | power-off

>file [copy | list | delete | show | rename ]

>show system storage

>show chassis hardware detail

>show chassis alarms

>show chassis environment

>show chassis craft-interface – show router LED alarms

>show configuration | display detail

>show system users – ai đã đăng nhập vào hệ thống

>request system logout use username – forcefully logout a user

>request message all message “log out now”

>show system boot-messages – boot log


Hiển thị thông tin về bộ nhớ, nhiệt độ CPU, tải và thời gian hoạt động:

>show chassis routing engine 

Để xem phần cứng và SFP
Tổng quan về phần cứng
> show chassis hardware

fpc nào đang sử dụng
> show chassis fpc

Để hiển thị những chi tiết pic được lắp đặt trong một slot:
> show chassis pic pic-slot 0 fpc-slot 0

Xem công suất của fibre interface:
> show interfaces diagnostics optics


#set system syslog file messages any info à để lưu tất cả các logs vào tập tin

>show log messages | match LOGIN | match “Mar 16”

>file list detail /var/log = ls –al (to see permitions, etc.)

>clear log messages  – Để xoá nội dung tập tin Logs

>monitor start       messages  à Giám sát trực tiếp

>monitor list

>monitor stop à Stop giám sát

For more detailed information about a process, under the process level:

#set traceoptions file filenamefil world-readable

#set traceoptions flag all

>help syslog à Hiển thị thông tin logs hệ thống

Security Policies

View security policy:

> show security policies from-zone Proxy-DMZ to-zone Inside details

To check if traffic will pass through the security policies (useful when not able to generate traffic):

> show security match-policies from-zone Outside to-zone Inside protocol  xxx source-ip xxx source-port xxx destination-ip   xxx  destination-port xxxx

General Monitoring and troubleshooting

>monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/0

>monitor interface ge-0/0/0

>monitor traffic interface ge-0/2/3 matching “proto 89” write-file ospf.cap – matches proto 89 and writes it in ospf.cap

>show security flow session … options

>show system statistics – all packet types statistics for a device

>test policy             


>show route 
>show route terse – nice concise output with the following information: A-active, Destination, P-protocol, Prf-preference, Metric1,2 Next-hop, AS Patch)
>show route protocol [static|direct|ospf]
>show route forwarding-table
 to see active routes in the forwarding table

Troubleshoot OSPF

>show route forwarding-table à to see active routes in the forwarding table

>show route protocol ospf

>show ospf overview

>show ospf interaces

>show ospf neighbor

>show ospf dataset detail

>show ospf neighbor [extensive]

>clear ospf neighbor []

>show ospf statistics
>show ospf interface [extensive]
>show ospf route [abr|asbr|extern]
>show route protocol ospf 
>show ospf database [summary|brief]
>show ospf database [router|network|netsummary|asbrsummary|extern|nssa]
>show ospf database router advertising-router detail
>show ospf database router area 0 extensive 
>show ospf database area 0 lsa-id extensive
>clear ospf database purge

>show ospf log

Troubleshoot NAT

+ Source

>show security nat source summary

>show security nat source rule

>show security nat source pool

+ Static

>show security nat static rule

+ Destination

>show security nat destination summary

>show security nat destination pool

>show security nat destination rule

>show security flow session


>show firewall
>show firewall log
>clear firewall [all|filter-name|counter-name]
>show interfaces filters
>show interfaces policers
>show policer


Set Firewall Filter to count packets through the SRX:

# show interfaces ge-0/0/0

ge-0/0/0 {

   unit 0 {

      family inet {

         filter {

            input icmp-filter;


         address; ## This address was already set on the interface




# show firewall family inet filter icmp-filter

icmp-filter {

   term 1 { ## This is the main term which will count the packets.

      from {



         protocol icmp;


      then {

         count icmp-counter; ## The icmp-counter will show the bytes/packets incrementing

         accept; ## This will accept the packets if you don’t want them to be dropped. You can use – “drop” or “reject” and/or “log” here.

